Wednesday 30 July 2014

F**k It Therapy

I came into work today full of happiness and glee for absolutely no reason whatsoever (I'm going to put it down to the fact I actually ate breakfast...)  and it was marvellous! I've had such a great day because of it.

I wondered why we don't all wake up feeling super happy every day and how we can go about doing it, so I had a browse through the self help books to see if anything might be of use. I'm not usually one for self help books or CDs or anything as they're too fluffy for me (but just right for others). I found a book called 'F**k It Therapy' by John C Parkin and was very intrigued. After picking it up, reading the blurb and having a flick through, I decided this was not a normal self help book. This one was special.

The plan is to start reading this tomorrow (my day off) to ensure I'm as happy as larry whenever I choose to be. I will keep you updated on how it's going and how great this book will be.

I bought a cute little fairy bookmark that I adore to help keep my place whilst I try and sort out my life; I usually read from a Kindle but I just have a feeling I'm going to be buying more books from now on. 

Both book and bookmark can be found online or in store.

Sunday 27 July 2014

Sunday detox day!

It's the end of one week and the start of a new one, I always find Sundays to be slightly fragmentary; a little disconnected from the rest of the week. Sometimes slow, quiet and dare I say, boring. But often a day for total relaxation, preparing yourself for the week ahead and spending time with family. 

I like to use Sundays as the day to look after me. Meditation, exercise, baths, wholesome food and naps make up the majority of my day. I've recently been adding Himalayn Salt crystals to my bath as they are fantastic to detox and balance out your body's natural acidity and alkaline levels.For more information, click me 

I got thinking and thought that there must be other things you can add to your baths to detox, not just salt. A quick google search yielded lots of results; ginger detox, the baking soda detox, a hydrogen peroxide bath (?!?!) I decided to play it safe and try out an essential oil detox bath. The main reason being is that whatever ailments you may have there is usually an oil that can help you. 

I chose lavender for it's calming, relaxational effects. All you need to do once you have chosen an oil is run a hot bath, mix together a handful of Himalayan crystal salt (or Epsom salts), half a cup of baking soda (I thought this was slightly strange too) and add to the bath alongside 10 drops of essential oil. Soak for 20minutes and rinse off with a cool shower to clear off any residue. This was a gorgeous recipe and I really felt the toxins being drawn out and eliminated from my body, it smelled great too.

So draw yourself a nourishing detox bath, make yourself a green tea, find a good book, light some candles and relax (tea, book and candles optional but advised)

Quest sells both gorgeous selling candles, Himalayan crystal salt and essential oils! A win win for everyone 

Enjoy your relaxing Sundays, peace and love xoxo

Friday 25 July 2014

Learning to read the tarot cards..

Hiya everyone,

About a year ago I posted a bit on how I was going to teach myself how to learn the tarot and that I was so determined to do so. Unfortunately, life (and my inability to stick to one project at a time) got in the way and I got distracted by other shiny new things. 

This summer however, I will do it. I've managed to get a few family members on board who are going to learn with me which I hope will be beneficial as we will be able to encourage each other and help each other whilst learning. I've mentioned it to my friends and they've been very supportive and are keen for me to practice on them which is even better! 

We have an exellent teacher named Steve (who works at Quest as an angel card reader) and lessons are due to start any week now. I'm getting rather excited and will be posting a little summary after each lesson to keep track of my progress. 

The pack of cards we will each be using are The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck accompanied by The Tarot Bible. 

You can purchase these from

I've been toying with these cards for well over a year now and they really are beautiful and the clearest deck I've seen before. The bible is filled with detailed explanations of each card; different layouts and how to read the tarot. Both are fantastic for beginners.

If you are interested in learning how to read the tarot yourself, Steve is holding a 5 week Tarot Course running from 7pm - 9pm on Tuesdays 29th July, 12th August, 26th August, 9th September and 23rd September for £60. If you'd like to book a place, give us a call on 01372 878606

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Sunshine and suncatchers!

With all the gorgeous warmth and sunshine recently, I decided I needed to get something little for my house to help me enjoy the weather from the inside as well. I visited the store and chose a pretty suncatcher with a rose for my window. It was difficult to pick one because a. I'm terrible at making desicions and b. There were so many! Suncatchers of all different sizes, with one or more crystals, motifs, plenty of colours and designs; there really was one for everyone.

Spiritual Quest

The suncatcher is designed so that if hung on a window, any sunlight that catches on it, reflects off it into the surrounding environment as little fragments of rainbows. I was excited to get home and test it as I was anxious that the sun would suddenly dissapear.

I hung it up and it immediately caught the sunbeams shining into the room. Miniature rainbows were bounced around and my walls looked beautiful! I was so happy with my purchase that I'm considering buying another to go on the same window just to increase the rainbow-ness.

I will upload a photo of the suncatcher in action later on (when I've given my windows a bit of a scrub) 

This specific suncatcher (and many others) can be found on Quest's website here:

Thursday 17 July 2014

Indian Head Massage Review

At work yesterday I was treated to a beautiful Indian Head Massage by Quest’s reflexologist, Sarah Newby. 

At only 15minutes long, it was a great session that covered by head, neck, upper back and shoulders. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was an Indian Head Massage virgin but I will definitely be going back for more.

It left me with an amazing sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. I wasn’t sluggish and tired like I usually am after a long day at work and showed it by going home for a jog before seeing friends in the evening!

I would 100% recommend getting an IHM if you ever get the opportunity. Sarah is currently offering 15minute taster sessions at Quest for £15. 

For more information, send us a message or drop us a call on 01372 878606