Friday 25 July 2014

Learning to read the tarot cards..

Hiya everyone,

About a year ago I posted a bit on how I was going to teach myself how to learn the tarot and that I was so determined to do so. Unfortunately, life (and my inability to stick to one project at a time) got in the way and I got distracted by other shiny new things. 

This summer however, I will do it. I've managed to get a few family members on board who are going to learn with me which I hope will be beneficial as we will be able to encourage each other and help each other whilst learning. I've mentioned it to my friends and they've been very supportive and are keen for me to practice on them which is even better! 

We have an exellent teacher named Steve (who works at Quest as an angel card reader) and lessons are due to start any week now. I'm getting rather excited and will be posting a little summary after each lesson to keep track of my progress. 

The pack of cards we will each be using are The Original Rider Waite Tarot Deck accompanied by The Tarot Bible. 

You can purchase these from

I've been toying with these cards for well over a year now and they really are beautiful and the clearest deck I've seen before. The bible is filled with detailed explanations of each card; different layouts and how to read the tarot. Both are fantastic for beginners.

If you are interested in learning how to read the tarot yourself, Steve is holding a 5 week Tarot Course running from 7pm - 9pm on Tuesdays 29th July, 12th August, 26th August, 9th September and 23rd September for £60. If you'd like to book a place, give us a call on 01372 878606

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