Wednesday 23 July 2014

Sunshine and suncatchers!

With all the gorgeous warmth and sunshine recently, I decided I needed to get something little for my house to help me enjoy the weather from the inside as well. I visited the store and chose a pretty suncatcher with a rose for my window. It was difficult to pick one because a. I'm terrible at making desicions and b. There were so many! Suncatchers of all different sizes, with one or more crystals, motifs, plenty of colours and designs; there really was one for everyone.

Spiritual Quest

The suncatcher is designed so that if hung on a window, any sunlight that catches on it, reflects off it into the surrounding environment as little fragments of rainbows. I was excited to get home and test it as I was anxious that the sun would suddenly dissapear.

I hung it up and it immediately caught the sunbeams shining into the room. Miniature rainbows were bounced around and my walls looked beautiful! I was so happy with my purchase that I'm considering buying another to go on the same window just to increase the rainbow-ness.

I will upload a photo of the suncatcher in action later on (when I've given my windows a bit of a scrub) 

This specific suncatcher (and many others) can be found on Quest's website here:

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