Wednesday 30 July 2014

F**k It Therapy

I came into work today full of happiness and glee for absolutely no reason whatsoever (I'm going to put it down to the fact I actually ate breakfast...)  and it was marvellous! I've had such a great day because of it.

I wondered why we don't all wake up feeling super happy every day and how we can go about doing it, so I had a browse through the self help books to see if anything might be of use. I'm not usually one for self help books or CDs or anything as they're too fluffy for me (but just right for others). I found a book called 'F**k It Therapy' by John C Parkin and was very intrigued. After picking it up, reading the blurb and having a flick through, I decided this was not a normal self help book. This one was special.

The plan is to start reading this tomorrow (my day off) to ensure I'm as happy as larry whenever I choose to be. I will keep you updated on how it's going and how great this book will be.

I bought a cute little fairy bookmark that I adore to help keep my place whilst I try and sort out my life; I usually read from a Kindle but I just have a feeling I'm going to be buying more books from now on. 

Both book and bookmark can be found online or in store.

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