Sunday 27 July 2014

Sunday detox day!

It's the end of one week and the start of a new one, I always find Sundays to be slightly fragmentary; a little disconnected from the rest of the week. Sometimes slow, quiet and dare I say, boring. But often a day for total relaxation, preparing yourself for the week ahead and spending time with family. 

I like to use Sundays as the day to look after me. Meditation, exercise, baths, wholesome food and naps make up the majority of my day. I've recently been adding Himalayn Salt crystals to my bath as they are fantastic to detox and balance out your body's natural acidity and alkaline levels.For more information, click me 

I got thinking and thought that there must be other things you can add to your baths to detox, not just salt. A quick google search yielded lots of results; ginger detox, the baking soda detox, a hydrogen peroxide bath (?!?!) I decided to play it safe and try out an essential oil detox bath. The main reason being is that whatever ailments you may have there is usually an oil that can help you. 

I chose lavender for it's calming, relaxational effects. All you need to do once you have chosen an oil is run a hot bath, mix together a handful of Himalayan crystal salt (or Epsom salts), half a cup of baking soda (I thought this was slightly strange too) and add to the bath alongside 10 drops of essential oil. Soak for 20minutes and rinse off with a cool shower to clear off any residue. This was a gorgeous recipe and I really felt the toxins being drawn out and eliminated from my body, it smelled great too.

So draw yourself a nourishing detox bath, make yourself a green tea, find a good book, light some candles and relax (tea, book and candles optional but advised)

Quest sells both gorgeous selling candles, Himalayan crystal salt and essential oils! A win win for everyone 

Enjoy your relaxing Sundays, peace and love xoxo

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