Thursday 17 July 2014

Indian Head Massage Review

At work yesterday I was treated to a beautiful Indian Head Massage by Quest’s reflexologist, Sarah Newby. 

At only 15minutes long, it was a great session that covered by head, neck, upper back and shoulders. I wasn’t sure what to expect as I was an Indian Head Massage virgin but I will definitely be going back for more.

It left me with an amazing sense of relaxation and rejuvenation. I wasn’t sluggish and tired like I usually am after a long day at work and showed it by going home for a jog before seeing friends in the evening!

I would 100% recommend getting an IHM if you ever get the opportunity. Sarah is currently offering 15minute taster sessions at Quest for £15. 

For more information, send us a message or drop us a call on 01372 878606 

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