Friday 15 August 2014

Top 5 crystals for your home

 Here at Quest we sell so many crystals it can be a bit daunting! To narrow them down, we've researched and discovered the best crystals you can have in your home. Rose Quartz is my favourite and I have an abundance of it in my relationship corner; I've found it really helps to strengthen and stabilize my relationships (friends, family and even those occasional romantic ones)

1. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stone that promotes love and harmony. It assists in opening and healing heart chakras and encourages forgiveness and compassion. It heals emotional trauma which helps one to let go and feel good within themselves.

Perfect if you're going through a crisis, your daughters (or sons) are experiencing their first heartbreak or you feel you need a few more loving vibes at home. 

2. Amethyst

Amethyst is a very powerful and protective stone. It is extremely soothing and calming and is great for any kind of cleansing. A wonderful stone for psychic and spiritual development it also guards against psychic attack. 

This stone is excellent for squabbling kids, argumentative adults and as a protection from any negative energies that may be infiltrating your household, a few pieces of this dotted around and your home will once more be a tranquil haven.

3.Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is known to be the 'master healer' of the crystal world.  A stone for good health and wellbeing, it can be used to aid with healing on any part of the body. Place a little piece of this energising stone in your home and harmony, healing and happiness is sure to ensue!

4. Citrine

Citrine is a stone for abundance. Abundance in health, happiness, wealth and all aspects of your life. As well as this it's a great cleanser and regenerator, is very creative and energising and is brilliant for recharging when you take a well deserved rest day. 

Citrine in the home will help you to grow anything you wish to grow, whether it be wealth, happiness, love, friendship, creativity or anything else you may desire.

5. Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is one of the best stones around for grounding and protection. It absorbs negative energies from electric appliances. When placed around the home it protects the whole space from negative energies. 

 A truly wonderful stone to have at home if you want to keep the nightmares at bay and protect yourselves and your family from all the nasty energy transmissions from the abundant amounts of electrics we can't seem to live without nowadays. 

I hope you find this article and these crystals helpful in enhancing your home life!

 Love and peace, 

Amelia xoxo

For more information or to purchase some of these crystals, visit

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