Thursday 30 August 2012

Wise Words

"It is very important to generate a good attitude, a good heart, as much as possible. From this, happiness in both the short term and the long term for both yourself and others will come." Dalai Lama 

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Special offer!

Quest online
This Commemorative Tarot Set by Pamela Colman Smith has been created to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Rider-Waite cards. Brilliant for those tarot card collecters and art lovers in the world. 

The deluxe set includes: The Smith-Waite Centennial Tarot Cards and two books; The Artwork and Times of Pamela Colman Smith, by Stuart R. Kaplan, with over 100 examples of her non-tarot art, and The Pictorial Key to the Tarot (italics) by Arthur Edward Waite, in a new format.

This special tarot deck can be found, on offer at  for £19.99 (was previously £29.99, so definitely a bargain)

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Dates for your diary

Palmistry and Reiki 
Quest's fantastic founder, Carolina is a palmist and reiki practitioner. She has been studying both for over 10 years and is incredibly devoted to what she does (hence opening a spiritual shop). Carolina has been a Palmist for 14 years and has read thousands of palms during this time. In a typical reading she takes a look into your past, present and future to help you go forward in your life.

Carolina is avaliable this Friday 31st August to do Palm Readings and Reiki from 3pm onwards. You can get !5 minutes for £20 or half an hour for £40 (we'd definitely recommend the longer, you get a lot more of an insight) 


Murray is our inhouse Shiatsu practitioner. Murray has completed his 3 year practitioner’s Diploma in Shiatsu Bodywork. He graduated from European Shiatsu School (ESS) in Brighton and has been practicing for 4 years. 

Shiatsu is a Japanese, hands-on, clothes-on, non-intrusive therapy that may help a variety of conditions and ailments from specific injuries to more general symptoms of tension, stress and poor health. It powerful form of bodywork which is designed to help harmonize the energy and vitality of the body and mind, by stimulating the body’s natural energy flow in order to promote vitality and well being.

Murray is avaliable this Saturday 1st September from 3pm and Sunday 2nd September from 1:30pm. His prices range from £10 - £45.

To book an appointment with Carolina or Murray, or to see what else we do, call us on 01372 878606.

If you'd like any more information on any of our therapies and readings, give us a call on 01372 878606 or visit our website

Saturday 25 August 2012

It's a mad mad world.. delve into the realm of crystals to keep it calm. 

Crystals can be used for many different things, helping aid healing; fixing relationships; help with sleep and draw love to the wearer.

We've been very busy in the shop toda; delieveries of new goodies and Murray doing his Shiatsu has kept us on our toes,  (not that we're complaining) and all of us are definitely feeling the need of a grounding, calming crystal. 

Hematite is an excellent stone for grounding, it's metallic grey colour singles it out as a very recognizable stone. It's brilliant for encouraging the ability to survive as well as being protective, strengthening and promotes self awareness. Hematite can be found in tumble form and wearing hematite jewelrry or keeping it on your person will aid in grounding those who's heads are up in the clouds (myself included).

Thursday 23 August 2012

Wise Words

"At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want." Lao Tzu

Wednesday 22 August 2012

The Soto Aroma Diffuser

The Soto Aroma Diffuser is a brilliant gift for absolutely anyone. The diffuser combines water with a few drops of your favourite essential oil to create a fine fragrance.This aroma diffuser quickly creates a soothing spa environment with its colour changing feature, perfect for meditation, relaxation or simply setting the mood.

You can choose what colour you want the light to be, it doesn't get hot and it turns itself off when the water runs out. Absolutely perfect if you have children or pets who run around knocking things over. 

Available from Quest at £49.99, also comes in a pyramid shape which is £46.99.

Monday 20 August 2012


Here at Quest, we have a few, very popular medium/clairvoyant's. One of them is the famed Ivan Lee. Ivan is a very popular medium in the spiritual world and we are so lucky to have him bless us with his talents.

Mediumship or clairvoyance is a method of contacting spirits of those who have passed away.  This was incredibly popular during the Victorian era when many people visited practicing mediums to contact loved ones or even attend seances to exterminate a spirit or do a mass contact. A lot of these Victorian mediums used trickery and were hoaxes and played on people's emotions to make them believe they were seeing/hearing spirits, however nowadays, most mediums do not use props, or smoke and mirrors, they simply use themselves.

The main ways for spirits to connect to our world is either to give the medium messages to pass on or to physically enter their bodies and voice their messages through the medium. And mediums gain the access to contact these spirits through their 'sixth sense' with a psychic link.  You might not believe it, but pretty much everybody is psychic, or can be. Obviously, some people are more natural at it than others but either way, it takes practice; like in any psychic skill, be it tarot, palms or angel readings. If you open your mind and welcome in your 'psychic abilities', anything is possible really. 

Many of our customers come to our medium clairvoyants to get closure; to know that their loved ones are safe and happy; to answer unsolved questions and various other reasons. It all depends on you and what you want to get from a reading.

If you are interested in a reading with Ivan Lee, Juliet or Litz, just give us a call on 01372 878606 and we can book you in an appointment.

Ivan is here this Wednesday 22nd from 1pm - 5:30pm at £40 for half an hour.

For more information on our readers, head to

Thursday 16 August 2012

Wise Words

'Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.' Woodrow Wilson


Wednesday 15 August 2012

Buddha water feature

Bring a little of the water element into your life with this gorgeous, Buddha water feature. Quiet as a mouse, the trickling water definitely won't make you need the loo all the time. Fill the bowl with water, attach the pump, plug in to the mains to light the colour changing LED light and set the water flowing. The water bubbles under the lit glass ball causing it to spin and giving a fantastic effect.

It creates a great feeling in the home. The sound of the running water will help you relax. The water pump is specially designed to minimise noise.

Available from Quest's online store at £36.  

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Blue moons

I've been doing a little research into pagans and I've found that a lot of the rituals and spells they take part in are done under a full moon. (Although, I believe that that depends on what you're wanting from the spell).

At the end of this month there will be the second full moon of August. This is what's known as a blue moon. A blue moon is a fairly rare occurance, however not as rare as people may think, it happens, on average, every three years. There are 28 days in each lunar cycle and there are more days in the calendar year than that. Dependent on where in each month the lunar cycle falls, they is a possibility that a few days are left over. These days accumulate so around once every 28 months a second full moon occurs. This has been named a 'blue moon'.

The next blue moon will occur on 31st August at around 2pm. So keep your eyes peeled for this magical moment and make a wish.

Monday 13 August 2012

Crop Circles

As we near the end of summer and creep slowly into autumn, the crop circle 'season' is coming to an end. Crop circles are generally fascinating designs (that are almost always very big too) 'imprinted' into fields of wheat and barley, all around the Wiltshire countryside. Most appear during the months of late May, June, July and early August and 'crop' up (excuse the pun) to the surprise of many farmers, overnight.

Who or what create these, often very complex designs, is an incredibly debatable subject. Some say that they are made by human hand and hard work, however others claim that they are made by the paranormal, in most circumstances, aliens. 

Woodborough Hill crop circle. (Credit: Steve Alexander)

The fact that the designs for each crop circle grow more complicated, year by year and are intertwined with Sacred Geometry and difficult quantum mechanic equations; for these designs to be completed in one night would be a very difficult feat without a certain technology. Combine this with how in almost all crop circles, a lot of paranormal activity happens within them. For example, cameras won't work, electronics will stop functioning etc.

 This basic knowledge of crop circles encourages the idea that they have been created by the paranormal, aliens or other (even if it happens in a man-made one, which it is known to do)

Have you come across a crop circle before? Encountered any paranormal or 'alien like' activity? What do you think about the crop circles, are they man made or do they come from out of space? Let us know in the comment box below!

Photo taken by Steve Alexander

Images Lucy Pringle Copyright 2012

 For more information on crop circles, visit (Our very own Kathy Mingo's website) 

Saturday 11 August 2012

Go, Team GB!

It's finally the weekend and what an amazing week it's been. We've got well into the Olympic spirit here and have been cheering on Team GB (and the other countries, of course) and have been watching our medal count go up and up and up. Watch out, Rio, are athletes are getting better and better.

Goldmedalist Bradley Wiggins, courtesy of the BBC

 Our British athletes, whose talents are outstanding, as well as Britain as a whole are doing the whole country proud and we are all so lucky to be a part of it. 

The British rain has cleared and the sun is shining for the end of a very special event. We hope all of you have an amazing weekend, Olympic fans or not, enjoy the sun, love yourself and be happy.

Friday 10 August 2012

Summertime delights

We just haven't got enough of the yummy recipes that keep cropping up everywhere. Not too heavy and perfect for light summer dinners, we've discovered 'Pea Shoot Pancakes with Crsipy Pancetta and Sweet Chilli sauce.' Delicious. 

Prep time: 20minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Makes: 8 pancakes


50g pea shoots, plus extra to scatter
5tbsp double cream
1 egg
75g self-raising flour
1/2tsp sugar
150g frozen peas, roughly crushed and defrosted
8 slices of pancetta or streaky bacon rashers, sliced in to fine strips
50g butter
A generous 3tbsp of sweet chilli sauce
Sea Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Creme fraiche (to serve)

1. Put the pea shoots in a blender or food processor and blend until finely chopped. Add the cream, egg, flour and sugar, then blend again to cream a smooth batter. Seaon with salt and pepper and fold in the peas. 

2. Heat the grill until hot and put the pancetta on a baking tray. Grill the pancetta for 4 minutes until crispy, turn over and cook the other side for the same time. LCover with foil and leave to one side to keep warm. 

3. Heat a large frying pan over a medium heat, then melt one tablespoon of butter in the pan. Add 4 tablespoons of pancake batter to the pan, leaving enough space betweeneach addition to allow for spreading. Cook the pancakes for 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Remove the pancakes and place on a plate lined with kitchen paper. Cover with foil to keep warm. 

4. Repeat with the remaining batter, adding more butter to the pan as required. Serve the pancakes with the pancetta on topand chilli sauce drizzled over. Add a dollop of creme fraiche, and scatter over the remaining pea shoots. 

5. Enjoy the wonderful goodness!

We found this recipe in Kindred Spirit's 25th Anniversary issue and they got it from the book 'Love Good Food' by Sophie Michell. Filled with brilliant recipes for Mayan cupcakes, spicy salads, sweet pancakes and luxurious pizzas, perfect for expanding your cooking skills!

Thursday 9 August 2012

Wise Words

'Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.' Albert Einstein

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Beautiful bracelets

Bring a little love into your life with these beautiful rose quartz heart bracelets. Priced at £8.99 each they are the perfect thing to treat yourself with this summer. (I wear mine pretty much everyday and it's definitely worked for me) Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and great for feeling better about anything to do with relationships

We also have a gorgeous hematite heart bracelet on special offer, going from £8.99 to £2.99! Hematite is said to reduce anxiety and stress. It's a very good grounding stone and it can help to balance mind, body and spirit. Brings emotional clarity, stability and calm.

Both bracelets can be found on the Quest online shop and if ordered before 3pm we can send it off that same day.

Tuesday 7 August 2012

Psychic Tarot readings

Juliet is the newest member of the Quest team. She offers Psychic readings using a mix of Tarot, Medium Clairvoyance & Crystals. We've all had a reading by her and found it very insightful and incredibly accurate. Juliet is a familiar face around Epsom and a popular reader with celebrities. Having over 200 clients outside of Quest just proves that she is a brilliant reader

Juliet can do readings for 30 minutes for £40 or 1 hour appointments for £65 and is avaliable this coming Sunday 12th August.

If you'd like a reading, pop into the shop, give us a call or send us an email. 

Phone: 01372 878606