Monday 20 August 2012


Here at Quest, we have a few, very popular medium/clairvoyant's. One of them is the famed Ivan Lee. Ivan is a very popular medium in the spiritual world and we are so lucky to have him bless us with his talents.

Mediumship or clairvoyance is a method of contacting spirits of those who have passed away.  This was incredibly popular during the Victorian era when many people visited practicing mediums to contact loved ones or even attend seances to exterminate a spirit or do a mass contact. A lot of these Victorian mediums used trickery and were hoaxes and played on people's emotions to make them believe they were seeing/hearing spirits, however nowadays, most mediums do not use props, or smoke and mirrors, they simply use themselves.

The main ways for spirits to connect to our world is either to give the medium messages to pass on or to physically enter their bodies and voice their messages through the medium. And mediums gain the access to contact these spirits through their 'sixth sense' with a psychic link.  You might not believe it, but pretty much everybody is psychic, or can be. Obviously, some people are more natural at it than others but either way, it takes practice; like in any psychic skill, be it tarot, palms or angel readings. If you open your mind and welcome in your 'psychic abilities', anything is possible really. 

Many of our customers come to our medium clairvoyants to get closure; to know that their loved ones are safe and happy; to answer unsolved questions and various other reasons. It all depends on you and what you want to get from a reading.

If you are interested in a reading with Ivan Lee, Juliet or Litz, just give us a call on 01372 878606 and we can book you in an appointment.

Ivan is here this Wednesday 22nd from 1pm - 5:30pm at £40 for half an hour.

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