Saturday 25 August 2012

It's a mad mad world.. delve into the realm of crystals to keep it calm. 

Crystals can be used for many different things, helping aid healing; fixing relationships; help with sleep and draw love to the wearer.

We've been very busy in the shop toda; delieveries of new goodies and Murray doing his Shiatsu has kept us on our toes,  (not that we're complaining) and all of us are definitely feeling the need of a grounding, calming crystal. 

Hematite is an excellent stone for grounding, it's metallic grey colour singles it out as a very recognizable stone. It's brilliant for encouraging the ability to survive as well as being protective, strengthening and promotes self awareness. Hematite can be found in tumble form and wearing hematite jewelrry or keeping it on your person will aid in grounding those who's heads are up in the clouds (myself included).

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