Monday 13 August 2012

Crop Circles

As we near the end of summer and creep slowly into autumn, the crop circle 'season' is coming to an end. Crop circles are generally fascinating designs (that are almost always very big too) 'imprinted' into fields of wheat and barley, all around the Wiltshire countryside. Most appear during the months of late May, June, July and early August and 'crop' up (excuse the pun) to the surprise of many farmers, overnight.

Who or what create these, often very complex designs, is an incredibly debatable subject. Some say that they are made by human hand and hard work, however others claim that they are made by the paranormal, in most circumstances, aliens. 

Woodborough Hill crop circle. (Credit: Steve Alexander)

The fact that the designs for each crop circle grow more complicated, year by year and are intertwined with Sacred Geometry and difficult quantum mechanic equations; for these designs to be completed in one night would be a very difficult feat without a certain technology. Combine this with how in almost all crop circles, a lot of paranormal activity happens within them. For example, cameras won't work, electronics will stop functioning etc.

 This basic knowledge of crop circles encourages the idea that they have been created by the paranormal, aliens or other (even if it happens in a man-made one, which it is known to do)

Have you come across a crop circle before? Encountered any paranormal or 'alien like' activity? What do you think about the crop circles, are they man made or do they come from out of space? Let us know in the comment box below!

Photo taken by Steve Alexander

Images Lucy Pringle Copyright 2012

 For more information on crop circles, visit (Our very own Kathy Mingo's website) 

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