Sunday 3 August 2014

What is Mindfulness?

Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had a brilliantly relaxing weekend :) 

Last Sunday I wrote about relaxing detox baths but today I want to write about a new thing I've tried called Mindfulness. I've heard this word being thrown around and increasing in popularity for quite a while now but only recently researched into what it is. 


Mindfulness is a 'way of paying attention to the present moment.' It uses a combination of yoga, meditation and breathing techniques, it helps us to become more aware of what is around us and how we are feeling at that exact moment in time to help us manage them better rather than becoming overwhelmed. 

By practising Mindfulness, people can focus more on their emotions, increase their attention span  . and has use it to help aid stress, anxiety, depression and addictive behaviours, making you happier and more peaceful. One is able to practise Mindfulness wherever and whenever they want or need too, whether it be at work, home, outside or inside.

Their are various courses to help you learn mindfulness however I have done a little research and the three main steps are these: 

1. Focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale deeply and slowly.
2. Whenever any thoughts, emotions, sounds or physical feelings occur; completely accept them, letting them come and go without any further thought on them. 
3. If your attention drifts off and focuses on any of these feelings, just bring it back to focusing on your breathing.

I've tried this out for a few days now and am really feeling a lot happier and chilled out (yay!)

There are more in depth courses online or in person that you are able to undertake that cover all sorts of techniques and reasonings for Mindfulness so you are able to practise it whenever you want to with ease. 

Visit for more information 

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