Sunday 24 August 2014

Buddha Shaped Pears

You find some interesting things whilst browsing the internet on a regular basis, usually piano playing cats and questionable remixes of vine videos. However I've recently come across a story I think is rather weird and wonderful and even a little related to us at Quest. 

 A Chinese gentleman has started to grow pears in the shape of Buddhas. He owns a farm in south China's Jiangxi province and has been forcing pears into moulds shaped like Buddhas. This makes them take on the shape as they grow He even makes baby shaped pears and said he got the idea from an Ancient Chinese fairytale that says if you eat a baby shaped fruit you will gain immortality.
Buddha Shaped Pears

Now I love Buddhas and I love pears so I find this story amazing and I would absolutely love to get my hands on one of these. 

What do you think? Too weird? Cute? Would you eat one? Tell us your thoughts!

Have a wonderful bank holiday :)

Amelia xoxo

For more information see

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