Monday 15 October 2012

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is essentially, the use of crystals to aid in energy and health healing.  The energies of the crystals resonate with the energies of us to help us in a variety of different things.

Crystal healing is a non-invasive way of restoring stability, balancing energies and help to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms. It's is an alternative way of healing that 'holistically helps to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our feeling of well-being, neutralize negativity, lift depression and to help us to become integrated, whole beings.'

There are various ways of using the crystals to heal. All crystals resonate with a type of energy. Most common uses for healing are placing the crystals upon the body on specific points or using a crystal wand or pendulum and sweeping it over the body. Wearing or carrying a specific crystal in daily life that is resonated to a psychical condition can help to gently alleviate symptoms. Chakras can be aligned, balanced and healed by using crystals in each Chakra colour.

The most popular reasons for getting Crystal Healing are sleeplessness, headaches, lack of energy or libido, lack of concentration and of course, helping to heal the mind and soul.

In Ancient Times, those who were incredibly spiritual, discovered the healing energies of the crystals. They started to distinguish what crystal could help with what and their link to the chakras. It is said that the origin of using the crystals to heal came from Atlantis, however many people think Atlantis is a myth. It has been discovered that more recently, in the grand scheme of things crystals were used in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, China and in America, specifically the Mayans, Incas and Native American

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