Monday 30 July 2012

Mercury Retrograde

Seeing as we're nearing the end (thankfully) of this year's second Mercury Retrograde, I thought I'd delve a little into the meaning.
Three times a year, for three weeks, planet Mercury turns retrograde (it appears to stop and go backwards). Mercury is the planet of communication and so when it goes into retrograde, communications tend to become difficult

Arguments may arise, technology may crash (make sure you back up any files) and any important things in your life could go wrong. During the Mercury Retrograde period, it's best not to venture into anything new. It's a time to re-evaluate and think on things that have already happened and been done earlier, sort of like a time out. It can cause misunderstandings between people however it can also be a great time to work out any flaws or find any underlying problems in relationships so you can fix them.

The Mercury Retrograde is always full of difficult antics that vary from person to person, for example, my car has broken down twice, I've had more arguments with my partner and the Quest computer blew up a few weeks ago. You can let them seriously affect you or you can grow and learn from the experiences Mercury throws at you.

Hi everyone!

I'm so sorry we haven't updated anything since Thursday but we've had an incredibly busy weekend (with no internet access - we just about coped)

We have been camping on Box Hill for the Olympic cycle races. We were there for two nights and three days and it was wonderful. The weather was beautiful (apart from Sunday), we got in touch with nature and cheered for Team GB till our voices were hoarse. 

We hope you all had an absolutely fantastic weekend, enjoying the sun and the Olympics.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Wise Words

'When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.' - Marcus Aurelius


Wednesday 25 July 2012

Heart Suncatchers

These sudden summer days have been absolutely glorious! Hang one of these in your window and watch it glow in the sunshine. Beautiful for brightening up your homes. Available for £4.99 each from Quest

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Ivan Lee at Quest!

Famed clairvoyant-medium, Ivan Lee is a familar face at Quest. He does half hour readings (that are able to be recorded onto tape) for £40 on different days each month. And he's very good.

He's just given us his August dates and will be in Quest on the following days; 

Thursday 2nd August    1pm-5:30pm

Friday 17th August    1pm-5:30pm

Saturday 18th August    2pm-5pm

Wednesday 22nd August   2pm-5:30pm

Thursday 30th August    1:30pm-5:30pm 

He books up incredibly quickly so it's best to ring in advance and book an appointment.

To make an appointment, call 01372 878606

Monday 23 July 2012

On the subject of palmistry....

I found this gorgeous photo of Marilyn Monroe posing in a palmist's shop window. I'm fairly certain she wasn't a psychic herself but it's definitely a fabulous photo!

Palmistry photo shoot in Arizona by Milton Greene, May 1956


 Palmistry has been around for over 5000 years and is said to have been used to see what job that person was going to do, whether it be farmer, teacher, philosopher, doctor etc. The Ancient Greek's used palmistry as a clinical aid.

Today, Palmistry is used as a divining technique of past, present and future. It can give you an insight into relationships, direction in a career, help with family concerns or give you guidance in a health matter and can also help in determining the kind of person you are.  

There are three main lines on your palms. The head line, heart line and life line. These lines stretch across your palms and intertwine, link or cross other smaller lines. Palmists look at each line and how it appears on your hand and are able to see a multitude of things, including relationships, career, health, family, big occasions in your life and more. All of these things can help people move on, deal with certain issues and just to learn more about themselves, as well as many other things.

What is not commonly known is that the lines on your hands do change, and so palmistry can be used either for clarification that you are on the right track or to see if you are heading in the wrong direction and that its time to take action.

To see what all the fuss is about and get more insight into palm reading whilst learning more about yourself, call Quest on 01372878606 to book an appointment! You can also book tarot readings with us too. 

Saturday 21 July 2012

We've had a beautiful testimony written for us from a fantastic customer. Thought I'd share it with you all as we are so grateful for it.

'I have been to all sorts of New Age shops in different cities and countries but Quest was one of the most outstanding shops I've been so far. The members of staff were very well trained and knew about what they were talking about.

I love this shop and I would recommend it to everyone who loves spirituality or just a nice shop to have a good look around.'

Thank you so much, Miriam for those kind words! 

Wise Words

'Whether one believes in a religion or not, and whether one believes in rebirth or not, there isn't anyone who doesn't appreciate kindness and compassion.'  Dalai Lama


Friday 20 July 2012

Recipe; Hair food

Nature is full of wonderful treats to nuture your body, inside and out. Especially for creating beautiful conditioned hair. 

Silica and zinc, protein, biotin, essentail fats and water are all brilliant for keeping your hair in tip top condition. Helping with dry, brittle hair; hair growth and shine. 

We've found a great recipe that includes all of these and is also incredibly yummy.

  • 250g of your choice of noodles (dried rice noodles are best in this recipe)
  • 2tsp of chilli oil
  • 6 green onions, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, crushed
  • 250g of asparagus, chopped coarsely (if you dislike asparagus, the substitute it with green beans or broccoli)
  • 1 red pepper, thinly sliced
  • 2tblsp sweet chilli sauce
  • 2tblsp soy sauce
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable stock
  • 190g of tofu or your favourite protein subsititute, for example; red meat, chicken or sea food
  • 500g of spinach, coarsely chopped
  • 50g of unsalted roasted peanuts


1. Place the dried noodles in a large heat-proof bowl and cover with boiling water. Leave to stand until just tender. Drain then rinse with cold water and drain again.

2. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan. Stirfry the onion, garlic, asparagus or alternative green vegetable and add red pepper until just crunchy. Add the tender noodles, sauces, vinegar and stock and keep it on the heat until saunce boils. 

3. Add the tofu or protein substitute. Beef can be marinated in the sauces beforehand. Cook the chicken or seafood to taste before adding to the stirfry. Add the spinach and stir in until it wilts.

4. Serve piping hot and topped with a generous handful of roughly chopped peanuts. 


Recipe found in the August 2012 issue of Prediction Magazine.

Monday 16 July 2012

The Tarot

 Every summer I decide to take up something new, whether it be skateboarding or writing a book, I'm set and focused on learning at the start, however (being a Libra), half way through, my mind starts to wander and I usually get side-tracked or find something else to keep myself busy. This year I am absolutely determined on teaching myself how to read the tarot cards. I have bought the Tarot Bible and the Original Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, both have been recommended to me as brilliant for beginners. 

 There are many different beliefs as to where tarot cards first originated from. However it has been traced back to as early as the year 1440. There is a belief that their use was spread by the Romanies or Knights Templar as they wandered throughout Europe. Another theory is that in France and England in 1781, tarot cards were picked up by followers of the occult and believed that the symbolism in the cards represented more than originally thought. From this, they started to use the tarot as a divination tool. Some people believe that the Tarot cards originated in Eygpt and are thought to be the only surviving 'book' from the fire that burned the libraries of Ancient Eygpt.

The Tarot is often linked with negativity and bad energy and has been given a lot of bad press in the past however these are just rumors and generally isn't true. Tarot cards are similar to other spiritual methods of divining the future and uncovering hidden truths such as palmistry and angel card readings.

The tarot is a deck of 78 illustrated cards and is formed of two 'types' of card. There is the Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana is made of 22 cards and represent individuals who show a specific quality or archetype. The Minor Arcana is made of 56 cards; four suites going from ace to King, similar to that of a deck of playing cards however they also include a Page (or knave). Each of these cards has a specific meaning and represent events, people, behaviour, ideas and activities that go on in our lives. Tarot readers combine these meanings with their intuition and the specific spreads that can be used to lay out the cards as well as their (and the person they could be reading for's) own interpretation of the cards

An example of the Rider-Waite original deck.

Both Tarot Bible and Rider-Waite Tarot Deck are avaliable to buy on

Beautiful rainbow makers

Perfect for those (albeit rare) sunny days. Hang one of these up on or near a window and watch the rainbows reflected into the room as the sun shines through the faceted crystal. Online prices ranging for £7.99 to £44.00, all of the suncatchers are made from Swarovski crystal to a brilliant standard. An excellent gift for weddings, birthdays, christenings, communions or even just to treat yourself, they are sure to bring sparkles and happiness into anyone's life.

Find them on

Saturday 14 July 2012

Yet another Quest birthday!

Today is Carolina's birthday! 

The team is heading out for cream teas and games at our wonderful cabin and then indulging in a fantastic meal at The Tree pub.

Happy birthday, Carolina! We hope you have an amazing day.

Friday 13 July 2012

Wise Words

"I can choose either to be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It's all a question of how I view my life." - Paulo Coelho

Thursday 12 July 2012

Summer is upon us!

With Summer Solstice over, we are officially in to the summer season and today, it finally looks like the weather is perking up. Get ready for those gorgeously warm nights sitting outside and spice up your garden (or your house) with our beautifully scented candles.

 All are made from 100% eco-friendly ingredients and the packaging is made from recycled materials. Find them at Quest for £8.99 each.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Spiritual and Wellbeing Weekend!

Our Spiritual and Wellbeing weekend is over and we think it went rather well!

Steve (angel cards), Gill (tarot), Juliet (psychic tarot) and Murray (shiatsu) were all fully booked and kept busy all weekend by our wonderful customers.

Lots of prizes were won by the lucky public on our Wheel of Fortune, including small red buddhas, incense, chocolates and crystals!

Thank you to all who attended this special weekend and took part in our competition, wheel of fortune and of course, the fantastic offer on readings.
We hope you enjoyed it! The lucky winner of the gem chip competition was Mark Amos! Well done, Mark :)

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Butterfly haven.

 This adorable 'grow it yourself' butterfly garden from Gift Republic will ensure your garden is filled with colour this summer. Perfect to brighten up these grey and gloomy days. Fantastic as a gift or just to treat yourself.

Monday 9 July 2012

What are Chakras?

Seven spirals of energy known as chakras can be found a vertical formation from our tailbone to the top of our head.  Meaning ‘wheels of light’ in Sanskrit, Chakras filter energy by allowing good energy in and disposing of unwanted energy from vital areas of our bodies. As well as working with the energy around us, Chakras interact closely with our bodies’ organs and endocrine glands, which regulate hormones. When all of our chakras are balanced we feel healthy, strong and emotionally well. Yet Chakras that are out of balance can cause illness, psychological blocks and emotional problems. 

Chakras were first derived from Hindu culture and are often depicted as coloured lotus flowers positioned along the spine, ascending from the base. The lotus flower represents human potential, as the lotus starts its life at the bottom a of muddy pond, yet rises and blossoms in the light above. The lotus flower’s transformation symbolises everyone’s potential to grow and prosper, something that balanced chakras can facilitate.

Keeping our seven major chakras balanced can help achieve optimum physical, emotional and spiritual health. Spiritual balance achieved through the seven major chakras allows us to tackle all of life’s lessons with grace and ease.

The colours and areas of the seven main chakras are depicted in the beautiful image (found on below.


Written by Isabella Jewell

Friday 6 July 2012

Behind the scenes at Quest.

 Whilst recovering this blog, I found the second ever post made, from way back in 2009. Reading it through, it is all very much accurate to now. It's quite an interesting read if you have the time to take a look.

For the last two years Quest has been the spiritual focal point for the South East, and its tentacles have reportedly reached many corners of the globe. Quest has gone global. Carolina and Madeline, who have nurtured Quest from its infancy to its now full grown status, have customers from Canada, America and beyond.

The reason people say Quest is so unique is its relaxed and gentle energy, to its informative and educational workshops that are diverse in nature. Where else can you learn to read and sense Aura, learn about the Sacred Geometry in a mystical Landscape, join a psychic and Mediumship circle. Learn about embracing you re divinity to Angel workshops and Astrology charts. If you need it, chances are Quest can do it.

I feel passionate about working at Quest, because there is a genuine desire to help people heal, and also to learn as well, so there could be a new generation of healers ready to take the reins.

If anyone has seen the film Pay it Forward, that's what we at Quest, either customer or therapist, are trying to achieve. One of our customers, Andreas, is suffering from brain tumours, and his friends decided to get a facebook group together, where people donated anything from babysitting services, to cooking a meal. Anyone can bid on these items, and all the proceeds are going to an expensive treatment that he needs.

When I first heard this I was amazed by Andreas telling me that strangers were donating money, and offering services. How lovely to think that our basic humanity and decency is still very much in tact. I think we are all finding that life is becoming very jaded and cynical. Quest held an afternoon in Andreas' honour and raised £136 ( and still coming in I'm glad to say) How wonderful that mankind is still in action.

As Rilke so wonderfully puts it " A person isn't who they are during the last conversation you had with them - they're who they've been throughout your whole relationship"

As spring seems to be just around the corner, have you ever thought that during you re spring clean, crystals are a powerful cleansing tool as well? Quest has a large range of crystals from the well known Rose Quartz, to the more exotic Blue Cap Topaz, that attunes to the Angels of truth and wisdom.

Perhaps the spring clean you do, could also extend to a personal spring clean. A spiritual makeover. If you feel that the winter has taken its toll, or you feel stuck and lethargic, Quest offers palmistry and Journey work with Carolina, Aura readings and Aura Mediumship with me, to all types of massage with Suzy to Soul Contract readings with Moriah. Gill offers tarot readings, and Litz and Steve are the resident mediums.

Come and visit Quest and we can help to make this year more hopeful, more spiritual and calmer. We are all in need of taking time for us, as we seem to be in a perpetual cycle of giving to others. Selfish isn't a word that should be used for self empowerment. When we give to ourselves, we are more able to be energised too fully give to others.

Written by Kathy in early 2009.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Wise Words

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. - Buddha
Today is our lovely Laura's birthday!
Happy Birthday Laura! We wish you many many more years of peace and happiness. And cake.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Name a star!

This unique gift lets you name a star for a loved one and teaches you about astronomy. A brilliant present  for a budding astronomer or just those who are fascinated by space.Found at Gift Republic for £19.99.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Dates for your diary -Spiritual and Wellbeing Weekend

This weekend Quest is holding one of their famous 'Spiritual and Wellbeing' weekends outside House of Fraser in The Ashley Centre, Epsom. There are offers on readings and therapies along with a Spin the Wheel with lots of fabulous prizes!

If you live in Epsom or around Surrey, or even further a field, it is definitely a fantastic event to go to for a little taster of Quest.

Spiritual & Wellbeing Weekend
House of Fraser, Epsom, Surrey
7th & 8th of July
£10 for 15 minutes on readings and therapies.

Monday 2 July 2012

Summer Solstice

This year, Summer Solstice was our 5 year anniversary! Despite the grey and gloomy weather, we had a fantastic day (which was probably made better by the fact we had cake.)

Traditionally, a great celebration and gathering of people is held at Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a famous landmark and has been known throughout the ages to be the center of important rituals for years. In th 70's, many people who were interested in the 'hippie' and 'new age' movement visited Stonehenge and saw it as an important place for what they believed in.

Stonehenge is important in the New Age world as the stones are lined up to the midsummer sunrise and the midwinter sunset, however, this alignment of these stones was most likely to do with certain pagan rituals as well. Many people who were living around the time Stonehenge was built were highly connected with nature and had a strong belief in the Earth Mother and Sky Father. Stonehenge was symbolic to them as it represented the fertility of crops, animals and families.

Nowadays, Stonehenge is an amazing tourist attraction with many people still going there because of the ancient beliefs. However, you are unable to get up close and touch the stones and the World Heritage is preserving the historic site for future generations.

Photo courtesy of English Heritage.