Monday 30 July 2012

Mercury Retrograde

Seeing as we're nearing the end (thankfully) of this year's second Mercury Retrograde, I thought I'd delve a little into the meaning.
Three times a year, for three weeks, planet Mercury turns retrograde (it appears to stop and go backwards). Mercury is the planet of communication and so when it goes into retrograde, communications tend to become difficult

Arguments may arise, technology may crash (make sure you back up any files) and any important things in your life could go wrong. During the Mercury Retrograde period, it's best not to venture into anything new. It's a time to re-evaluate and think on things that have already happened and been done earlier, sort of like a time out. It can cause misunderstandings between people however it can also be a great time to work out any flaws or find any underlying problems in relationships so you can fix them.

The Mercury Retrograde is always full of difficult antics that vary from person to person, for example, my car has broken down twice, I've had more arguments with my partner and the Quest computer blew up a few weeks ago. You can let them seriously affect you or you can grow and learn from the experiences Mercury throws at you.

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