Monday 23 July 2012


 Palmistry has been around for over 5000 years and is said to have been used to see what job that person was going to do, whether it be farmer, teacher, philosopher, doctor etc. The Ancient Greek's used palmistry as a clinical aid.

Today, Palmistry is used as a divining technique of past, present and future. It can give you an insight into relationships, direction in a career, help with family concerns or give you guidance in a health matter and can also help in determining the kind of person you are.  

There are three main lines on your palms. The head line, heart line and life line. These lines stretch across your palms and intertwine, link or cross other smaller lines. Palmists look at each line and how it appears on your hand and are able to see a multitude of things, including relationships, career, health, family, big occasions in your life and more. All of these things can help people move on, deal with certain issues and just to learn more about themselves, as well as many other things.

What is not commonly known is that the lines on your hands do change, and so palmistry can be used either for clarification that you are on the right track or to see if you are heading in the wrong direction and that its time to take action.

To see what all the fuss is about and get more insight into palm reading whilst learning more about yourself, call Quest on 01372878606 to book an appointment! You can also book tarot readings with us too. 

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