Tuesday 26 March 2013

Angel Practitioner Course

Quest will be holding an 'Angel Practitioner Course' run by Steve Hunt. 

Learn who the Archangels are; how to communicate with them; meet your Guardian Angels and learn about Angelic Healing, Angelic Card Readings, setting up your Angel Altar and how to clear any outstanding issues from your life. 

A brilliant course led by an equally brilliant teacher- definitely not one to be missed.

The course is spread over two weekends; the first being the 13th/14th April 2013 and the second date to be agreed with the group. 

The course will run from 10am-4pm on all days.

The full price for the course is £320 and that includes refreshments and a copy of 'Messages from your Angels' book and Divination cards. Pay in advance and receive 10% discount. 


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