Monday 18 February 2013

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy massage is excellent for anybody who just needs to calm down, relax and escape for an hour or so. 

This restorative therapy uses the renowned warming qualities of ginger to stimulate & boost circulation & ease restricted areas of stiffness & muscle soreness.  Infiltrating rosemary provides muscle release whilst cleansing lemon grass draws out impurities, improving the skin tone & condition of the entire back, encouraging renewed energy & invokes & restores the natural flow of ‘prana’.  

In each, individual therapy "prescribed" oils are used alongside regular ones to target the specific needs of the person. The massage reaches the deeper layers of postural & deep spinal muscle tissue binding the Vertebral Column, releasing the Cervical, & Mid-Thoracic areas through to the lower Lumbar & Sacral regions, forcing attention to where the physical effect of stress & tension are held. Commencing with a spinal alignment of heated basalt stones and restorative, essential oils. 

This gorgeous massage is available with Penny and can be booked through Quest. Call 01372 878606 or email for more information! 

Muscle Ease Organic Full Body Aromatherapy Massage (1hour 30 mins) £55
Organic Back, Neck & Shoulder Massage (45 mins) £35

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