Monday 26 November 2012

Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop Therapy is not what you might think it is. It doesn't involve rain noises or rain water or anything like that. 

Raindrop Therapy combines different elements of aromatherapy with reflexology to create a very relaxing and healing massage. It is aimed at bringing total balance, harmony, and wellness - mentally, physically, and emotionally. 

 Therapists use a particular sequence of nine essential oils (that have been clinically tested to have antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties) and drop them gently onto the spine and are massaged in using various techniques. The oils are dropped from about 6 inches above the back, creating a 'raindrop effect'. A hot compress is then applied which helps with oil absorption and muscle relaxation. 

Raindrop Therapy

Main essential oils included are: 

  • Rosewood
  • Blue tansy
  • Frankincense
  • Spruce (all of which help to eliminate negative thoughts and encourage inner balance)
  • Basil (to reduce fatigue)
  • Peppermint (for increasing mental acuity)

To find out more about this delightful sounding therapy, head over to

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