Friday 21 September 2012

Crystal of the week!

Zoisite with Ruby 

Ruby in Zoisite is also known as Anyolite. Apart from being a beautiful stone. It is said to increase vigour and to help overcome laziness. It's believed to energize the life force and amplify the biomagnetic field around the body.  

Similar to Zoisite, Ruby with Zoisite is said to encourage you to be an individual, and to live life as you want to, but without distancing you from the rest of humanity. It helps to stimulate creativity and to focus on your true objectives. It is said to enhance fertility and to stimulate the Crown Chakra, helping you to enter an altered state of conciousness that can be beneficial in past-life regression.

A tumble stone form of Zoisite with Ruby can be found on for £2.30. Picked, packed and sent with love and care.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Wise Words

'Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.' Buddha

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Buddha Pendant

This gorgeous, hand made, Buddha pendant is made from sterling silver and has seven semiprecious chakra stones beautifully placed along the centre of the Buddha silhouette. The stones have been hand chosen for depth and clarity, hopefully bringing it to your meditations as well. 

The stones are garnet, carnelian, citrine, peridot, amethyst, iolite and moonstone.

This pendant is avaliable in two sizes. 7cm for £52 and 5cm for £45. Both avaliable from

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Dates for your Diary

Sangha Day

On Sunday 25th November 2012, there is a Sanga Day Festival at the London Buddhist Centre. Running from 9am - 10pm, all are welcome and it is entry by donation. However, many other Sanga Day festivals will be being held around the UK.

Sangha Day is the second most important Buddhist festival. It celebrates the day when 1250 enlightened monks gathered to hear the Buddha preach at Veluvana Vihara. This was the first day the Buddha held a sermon. 

Sangha Day

Sangha is the term for a Buddhist community. On this day, Buddhists celebrate the ideal of a spiritual community and also the spiritual community they are trying to create. It is a time where people can reaffirm their commitment to Buddhist practices and traditions. Celebrations on Sanga Day vary from meditations, the lighting of oil lamps, reaffirming commitment and chanting.

Traditionally, Sangha Day is a time to exchange gifts and has become a prominent festival amongst Western Buddhists.

Monday 17 September 2012

What is Buddhism?

Buddhism is often thought of as a religion, however others consider it a way of life, because unlike, for example, Judaism, Hinduism or Islamic religions, Buddhism doesn't have a God. It isn't centered on a relationship between God and humans. 

Buddhism itself has been around for hundreds of years. It was 'founded' by Siddhartha Gautama. Nowadays, the head 'Buddhist' (if you want to call it that) is the 'Dalai Lama'. The 'Dalai Lama' is the head monk of Tibetan Buddhism.

The 14th Dalai Lama

Siddhartha Gautama was born in around 566 BC, he was born as the Prince of the Sakya tribe in Nepal. However, when he was 29 years old, he decided to leave his life of riches and comfort to seek the meaning of the suffering he saw around him. After six years of this, he sat under a bodhi tree and entered a mindful meditation. He then became 'Buddha' and travelled around India for 45 years, spreading his knowledge and teaching others the path for Enlightenment. 


To this day, people have practiced the way of the Buddha as a way of life. Of a way to find peace and enlightenment into the true nature of life. Buddhism is studied as a way to personal spiritual development alongside this, they believe in showing love and compassion to everybody possible. Buddhists believe that nothing is fixed, nothing is permanent and change is always possible and of course, Karma.

Buddhists who are on the path to Enlightenment use varying practices such as meditation, development of morality and wisdom. 

Buddha statue in Japan

Friday 14 September 2012

Crystal of the week!


Topaz is a stone that helps to soothe, aid healing, stimulate recharge and align the meridians of the body.  It is great for promoting self-confidence and expression. It can be used in the treatment for the loss of sense, loss of taste and in the healing of wounds.

Topaz is a beautiful stone that has quite a calm energy and is a lovely one to carry with you daily. Especially if you worry a lot.

A tumble format of topaz (the image above) can be bought from Quest.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Wise Words

"If someone thinks that peace and love are just a cliche that must have been left behind in the 60s, that's a a problem. Peace and love are eternal." John Lennon 

Wednesday 12 September 2012

To all the Body Jewellery Fans...

Quest has just launched a 'Body Jewellery' page on Facebook where we will be alerting our customers of any offers/new products etc.! 

The first 100 people to like and comment on the wall will recieve a code to claim 10% off of body jewellery instore! 

Head to and like us, pretty please? :) 

Love and peace xx

Beautiful throw

The October issue of Prediction featured this Ganesha throw in their magazine and I fell in love with it, so I thought I'd share the beauty of it.

Brighten up a sofa, your bed, wall or simply snuggle up with this gorgeously colourful Ganesha tapestry throw.

 £35 from Urban Outfitters.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Dates for your Diary

Mind Body Soul Experience 10th Anniversary Show!

This show is set to be a great one! With plenty on offer including over 120 stands, stage performances, workshops and lectures, meditation spaces and the 'Experience zone', you definitely wont be bored.

The 'Experience Zone' is a new aspect of the show that includes TaiChi, Belly Dancing, Pilates, Zumba, Yoga and Salsa. Teaching new and fun ways of staying fit and healthy.

 'From fairies to food blenders, runes to raw chocolate, there is a new experience awaiting around every corner.' MBS website

With ticket prices starting from £8, it's not going to break the bank and you'll have a brilliant day(s) out.

Where: Olympia, London
When: 28th, 29yh & 30th September 2012

Opening times: 

Friday 11am – 6pm
Saturday 10am – 6pm
Sunday 10am – 5pm

Monday 10 September 2012

The Angel Cards (Oracle cards)

Oracle cards are often confused with Tarot cards, however, they are both very different. In a deck of tarot cards, you have the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. In each deck of tarot cards, no matter what 'theme' the artwork is, the designs and meaning of each card is the same. Alternatively, in the oracle cards, there is a theme ie. angels or unicorns or fairies and the meanings and designs of the cards differ in each deck. 

Doreen Virtue (who has published many decks of oracle cards) says:

Oracle cards are an ancient, time – honored way to connect with angels and spirit guides. They’re based on Pythagorean numerology, which states that all numbers and images vibrate in mathematically precise ways.” 

Daily Guidance from your Angels Oracle Cards

Compared to other divination techniques, Oracle cards are a fairly recent development. Branching off from the tarot cards to become their own divination tool about 200 years ago. The Oracle cards were very popular in 19th Century France and Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand helped them gain in popularity. Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand was a famous fortune teller and practiced her skills for 40 years; using different techniques of divination, mainly the Oracle cards. Nowadays, in France, she is considered the greatest cartomancer of all time. 

Marie Anne Adelaide Lenormand

Oracle cards are a fantastic way to get in touch with your spirituality. Gentler and easier to remember than tarot cards, but are still an incredibly accurate divination tool.

Magical Messages from your Fairies Oracle Cards

A range of Oracle cards can be found on our website - from £11.99

Saturday 8 September 2012

Happy Saturday!

We hope you all have an amazing weekend and enjoy this beautiful weather :) 

Love and peace,

The Quest Team

Friday 7 September 2012

How to make Fairy Spice Cakes

I've been scouring the internet to find a recipe that mixes in with this week's apparent 'fairy' theme and I've found one! have provided a recipe for delicious Fairy Spice Cakes, which they say are 'best left in the garden for the Elemental Folk on nights of Wiccan significance, such as Samhain or Lammas.'

  • ½ cup sweet Muscat wine
  • 2 tablespoons fine brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • ⅔ cup flour
  • ½ teaspoon poppy seeds
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ⅛ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • Sunflower oil for frying 
  • Icing sugar to taste


1. Mix the egg and Muscat wine in a large mixing bowl. 
2. In a slightly smaller bowl, mix together the flour, poppy seeds, cinnamon, sugar and salt. 
3. Stir this mixture into the egg mixture.
4. Let it stand for abou half an hour.
5. Meanwhile, combine the nutmeg and honey in a small bowl. 
6. Heat some oil in a frying pan (about ½ inch in the bottom) until it’s hot. 
7. Drop the batter into the oil one generous spoonful each time and fry until golden. 
8. Place on paper towels to drain and then dip into the honey mix. 
9. When dry, dust with icing suger and serve. 
10. Enjoy!

Thursday 6 September 2012

Wise Words

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale of all."  Hans Christian Andersen

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Magical fairydust

Put a little sparkle into your life with these adorable vials of fairy dust. Perfect for sprinkling in your house or garden to bring forth fairies and pixies. This fairy dust is safe for applying to skin and using as make up as well. 

Available from Quest at £1.75 a pot with four different colours to choose from.

Spiritual Cornwall...

Carolina and I have had an incredibly busy weekend (hence the shortage of posts, which I apologise about). We have been on a very quick, albeit enjoyable trip down to Cornwall. I live there whilst I'm at University so we were transferring all my things into my new house. 

As we were down there, I got thinking about how peaceful and spiritual Cornwall seemed to be. I've seen quite a few flyers offering yoga and meditation on the beach overlooking endless ocean and the chance to see dolphins in the early mornings. Spiritual shops similar to ours crop up all over Cornwall and are increasing in popularity each year. With the laidback style of surfers and people who live by the sea, so far away from any major cities, it's easy to see why it's so relaxed and how lots of people can live a spiritual lifestyle down there. 

Found on weheartit,

Cornwall plays host to plenty of folklore legends involving mermaids, pirates, giants and pixies. These tales stretch the imagination to help see the magic in the nooks and crannies in woodland and beaches, beautiful glens and ancient stone structures.  

Cornish Piskey 

If you find yourself unsure of where to go on holiday next, stick to England and go on a beautiful break down in Cornwall. There are plenty of quaint villages and picturesque countryside to relax in, away from the city. With lots of attractions that are family friendly, it's brilliant for anyone.

One attraction to take note of is the Carnglaze Caverns in Liskeard. Holding concerts and events, underground tours, beautiful crystals and gorgeous gardens set in ancient woodland, with one or two fairy surprises, it is a magical place to visit, all year round. For more information visit